Session Recap #0 – The Force & Destiny Campaign

Hey, everyone!  Steve here again.  So the campaign that I will be doing my recaps on is a Star Wars campaign using Fantasy Flight’s ruleset. If you’re not familiar with the ruleset, there are three core books which can work either separately or in conjunction with one another. They are Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion and Force & Destiny, which focus on scum & villainy, the rebel alliance and Force-users, respectively. My campaign focuses on Force & Destiny but will have aspects from the other books from time to time as well. The players have all decided to play as up-and-coming Force-users.

Wait, Star Wars?  I thought you were making an app for Starfinder.  What gives!?

Well, yes.  We are making an app for the Starfinder RPG, but like I mentioned in my last post we like to play all sorts of games.  Currently I am running a Star Wars game, while my counterpart David is currently playing in a Starfinder game.  No matter which game is being played, I hope that we can offer some valuable insight into what makes a tabletop RPG work well and what doesn’t.  And so without further ado…

The Player Characters

Kascer Varion

Human Mandalorian/Alderaanian male

Kascer is essentially the “Paladin” of the group, goodhearted and a champion of the weak. His father is Mandalorian and was once part of the Death Watch, while his mother was a Jedi who had originally escaped Order 66. When Kascer was a child his mother’s powers were discovered and she was confronted by Darth Vader. As Kascer’s father dragged him away, the last moment he saw of his mother was her being Force-choked by Darth Vader.

Dr. Nathaniel “Nate” Essex

Human Ralltiirian male

Nate is a medical doctor who learned his craft at the finest medical school in the galaxy, the Coronet Medcenter, located in Corellia’s capital city. However, he is arrogant, crude and unrefined. He enjoys helping others by using his medical expertise, but it is unclear whether his motives are selfish or not.

Dwin Jorl

Sullustan male

Dwin is an expert pilot who once was part of the Empire before he deserted his post. At the moment, it is a mystery to me why a Sullustan was a part of the human-centric Galactic Empire. Was he coerced or was it voluntary? There could be some very interesting things going on here. Whatever the reasons, he wishes to atone for his past ways.

Chit Sak

Weequay male

Chit was a mercenary for hire alongside his father and some their fellow clansmen. When working for a minor crime lord who began encroaching into Hutt territory, he and his fellow clansmen were captured by Gordo the Hutt. In his desperation, Chit was unknowingly able to channel the Force and use it to help him kill his captor. He now seeks answers and enlightenment relating to the Force.


Twi’lek male

Like most Twi’lek, Bril was a slave from childhood. However, his servitude involved the entertainment of others. His owner, Sam, bought up many orphaned children and formed a traveling entertainers troupe. As time passed, the relationship between Sam and his children evolved into a more patricarchal/familial relationship. Bril’s life was turned upsidedown the day a Trandoshan attempted to “buy” the children from Sam. Sam died in the ensuing struggle and Brill escaped. Nowadays, Bril lives to entertain. He continues to hone his craft with the dream of becoming a world-class entertainer.

Wow, That Wasn’t So Brief

Well I guess that took a little more explaining than I first thought it would. As you can see there is a nice mix of personalities and roles among the Player Characters.

Next time, we’ll see how these five individuals find a way to come together as one…